If your question is not addressed here, please email or call -
we're happy to help answer your questions.
Phone: (206) 552-1570
Q: Do we have to host our site with you?
A: No, we
don't maintain servers. We do have a preferred provider for this service, if you
haven't decided on a host, but we're able to work with all hosting companies to
put together your online project.
Q: How much will my website/database/project cost?
Unfortunately, there is just no way to answer this without having the specifics
of what your project will entail. We are more than happy to discuss your
project needs via telephone or email, or you can send your request for proposal
to info@ridinthewave.com.
Q: Do you offer maintenance packages?
A: No, we don't
offer set-priced maintenance packages. Wave of the Future performs maintenance
functions for the majority of our clients. Some need daily or weekly changes,
others as-needed, but we only charge for time spent on your specific project
whether that's five minutes, or five hours you pay only work